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Third-party claims are possible for defective tool injuries

On Behalf of | Apr 2, 2020 | Workplace Accidents |

Any worker who is using power tools needs to ensure that they understand the proper way to use those tools. This can help to increase their safety, but it doesn’t completely eliminate the risks of the equipment.

There is always a chance that a critical safety component could fail due to a defect. This can lead to a serious injury that requires you to seek emergency medical care.

Many of these tools have sharp components that can’t be avoided because they wouldn’t perform properly without them. For example, think about what would happen if a guard broke on a power saw. There’s a chance that the user could suffer a serious cut, and potentially an amputation.

Before using any power tool, workers must ensure that there aren’t any obvious issues. If there is anything that’s not right, the tool should be tagged out so that it isn’t used until the problem is corrected. Tools that are severely damaged may need to be replaced.

If you suffer an injury from a defective power tool, you shouldn’t have to cover the costs of seeking medical care or deal with the financial damage of having to stay home while you heal from the injury.

You do have the option of seeking compensation for the injury via a third-party claim. Through this typed of claim, you can seek to hold the manufacturer liable for the damages you’re dealing with because of the problem with the equipment. Matters involving a third party are handled differently than those involving workers’ compensation. An experienced attorney can help you seek the justice and compensation you deserve.
