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Should truckers know what’s in their blind spots?

On Behalf of | Feb 5, 2021 | Truck Accidents |

Driving a semitrailer can be a stressful job. These vehicles are larger and heavier than other types of cars and trucks, and the men and women who operate these vehicles for a living are responsible for driving safely and cautiously. An accident with a large commercial truck will likely result in significant damage to the smaller vehicle, and there is a high possibility of serious injury.

Trucks can be complicated to operate, and it takes time and training to understand how to operate these vehicles safely. Semitrailers have large blind spots, and truckers should know how to use equipment properly, change lanes and maneuver without causing accidents. If you were in an accident with a commercial truck, it is possible the trucker may be responsible for what happened due to failing to check blind spots.

Determining fault

Estimates suggest that around 400,000 accidents involving semitrailers happen each year in the United States because of blind spots. Drivers should strive to avoid being in certain areas around a truck, but traffic flow and other factors may not allow a driver to move. These are the times when truckers should be especially cautious when changing lanes or turning. When blind-spot accidents happen, investigators may use the following information to determine which party is at fault:

  • Damage to the vehicles
  • Cameras in the truck
  • Results from alcohol or drug screenings
  • Information from driver logs
  • Maintenance records
  • Reports from witnesses
  • Physical evidence from the accident scene and pictures

Semitrailer drivers can do several things to avoid blind-spot accidents, including using cameras and mirrors designed to provide a better view of the area. Trucking companies may also benefit from implementing lane-assist cameras that can alert the driver when there is a vehicle in the blind spot before changing lanes or turning.

What’s next?

If you believe your truck accident was the result of the negligent or reckless actions of the trunk driver or another party, you have options. Through the Texas civil justice system, you have the right and ability to pursue compensation for your losses, including coverage of your medical bills and non-economic damages. A truck accident can change your life by leaving you with serious injuries and financial struggles, but there are avenues available to you through which you can start to pick up the pieces and move forward.
