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What type of economic recovery can you pursue after an accident?

On Behalf of | Jan 7, 2022 | Car Accidents |

You may feel like your life will never be the same after an accident. A personal injury incident in Texas has the potential to leave you with injuries, expenses and other complications that may affect your life permanently. If you are suffering now and expect to continue to suffer in the months and years ahead due to the negligence and reckless actions of another person, you may have grounds for a civil claim.

A personal injury claim is a legal option that provides you with the opportunity to seek recompense and justice after an accident. One of the most important aspects of your claim will be to identify the amount and types of damages that could be available to you. The specific amount of compensation owed to you depends on the extent of your injuries, the way these injuries could affect you long-term and other factors.

Developing your claim

The civil justice system offers you the opportunity to hold liable parties accountable for what you suffered and pick up the pieces of your life after an accident. A careful look at the accident, your physical injuries, the unseen impact of what you experienced and much more will allow you to understand how to develop a strong claim. Some of the damages you may be able to seek include:

  • Non-economic damages could include compensation for your mental duress and emotional trauma. You may also be eligible for compensation for loss of companionship, loss of consortium, loss of enjoyment of life and more.
  • Economic damages could include compensation for your medical bills, lost wages, property damage and specific losses you experienced as a result of your accident.

When considering a settlement offer, you have the right to negotiate with the other party and pursue an amount that you believe is fair in relation to your immediate losses and the long-term needs that you will have in the future as a result of your accident.

Your recovery starts now

Personal injury claims are time-sensitive. If you believe you have grounds for a claim, you will benefit from taking quick action to learn about the legal options available to you. If there are grounds to pursue compensation through a civil claim, you can move forward immediately with the steps necessary to initiate the litigation process.
